Tax calculators > IR35 calculator

IR35 calculator
This calculator will analyse the effect the new IR35 calculations will have on a contractors
All results are in United Kingdom currency.

IR35 calculator assumptions
IR35 information

  Part A
    Contractor details pre IR35
Annual contract income before IR35
. This is your annual contract value (net of Vat) entered as a whole number and must be between £24,000 and £240,000.
Weekly travel expenses
Enter your average weekly claimable travel expenses.
Other weekly administrative expenses
Enter your estimated average general tax-deductible expenses (a value between £0 to £500).
(As a guidelinethis can include telephone, mobile, postage, stationary, rent, training costs, but excluding accountancy fees).
Annual accountancy fees
. Enter your annual accountancy fees including year end accounts fee. Also include company specific tax advice fees excluding personal self-assessment fees.
Annual pension contributions
. Enter the annual amount of employers contribution payable to an approved pension scheme.
Annual business insurance premium
Enter the annual amount payable if you have taken out any insurance.
Salary paid to you as a director
    Enter your set salary level as a director of your limited company.
This must be a minimum of £3,000.
. Part B
Details as a Contractor Post IR35
Estimated annual contract value as of 6th April 2000 onwards

For a direct comparison enter the same figure as in box 1 for your first analysis. From then on you can adjust the value to run a what if analysis. ie: Work out the new contract rate post IR35 required to obtain the same net income as you were earning pre IR35.

. Part C
    Details as a permanent employee
Estimated annual salary as a permanent employee
Enter your expected annual salary, which will be made up of your basic salary plus any estimated yearly bonus. For a direct comparison enter the same figure as in box 1 for your first analysis. From then you can adjust the value to run a what if analysis.
This tax calculator will analyse the data you have entered and give you a breakdown of the Income Tax and National Insurance payable in the United Kingdom. Although we have tried to make the results as accurate as possible, we cannot cover all variables and therefore recommend that you consult a suitably qualified accountant for a more accurate analysis.
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